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Zack Kemp

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November 13, 2023

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Window cleaning is more than a chore; it's an art. At Picture Perfect Homes, we understand the importance of crystal-clear windows in not only enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home but also in improving your overall living experience. In this blog, we share insider tips from our expert team to help you achieve sparkling clean windows.

The Importance of Regular Window Cleaning

cleaning windows with a squeegee

Regular window cleaning is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it boosts your home's curb appeal, making a great first impression on visitors or potential buyers. Secondly, it allows for more natural light, brightening your living spaces and potentially improving your mood and productivity. Moreover, regular cleaning protects your windows from the damage caused by accumulated dirt and debris.

Choosing the Right Tools

The key to effective window cleaning lies in using the right tools. At Picture Perfect Homes, we recommend a high-quality squeegee, a soft-bristled brush, a microfiber cloth, and a bucket. For the cleaning solution, a mix of water and a simple dish detergent can work wonders. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage window surfaces.

The Perfect Technique

Start by dusting the window frame and sill to remove any loose dirt. Dip your brush in the cleaning solution and gently scrub the window surface. Next, use the squeegee to remove the solution, starting from the top and moving downwards in a smooth motion. Wipe the squeegee blade with a microfiber cloth after each stroke to avoid streaks.

Dealing with Stubborn Stains

For stubborn stains like bird droppings or hard water marks, soaking the area with the cleaning solution for a few minutes can help. For tougher stains, a mixture of vinegar and water can be effective. Remember to be gentle to avoid scratching the glass.

Safety First

Safety is paramount, especially when cleaning windows at a height. At Picture Perfect Homes, we advise using a sturdy ladder and having someone to spot you. For higher windows, consider hiring professionals to ensure safety and efficiency.

The Importance of Professional Cleaning

While DIY cleaning is great for maintenance, professional cleaning at least twice a year is crucial. Professionals, like our team at Picture Perfect Homes, have the expertise, equipment, and solutions to handle all types of windows and stains, ensuring a thorough and safe cleaning process.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices

Being environmentally conscious, we recommend eco-friendly cleaning solutions. These are not only safe for the environment but also for your family and pets. You can make a simple eco-friendly cleaner by mixing water with white vinegar or baking soda.

Timing and Frequency

The best time to clean windows is on a cloudy day, as direct sunlight can cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, leaving streaks. As for frequency, it depends on your location and the surrounding environment, but generally, cleaning your windows every two to three months is ideal.

Additional Tips

  • Always clean the window screens as well as they can harbor dust and dirt.
  • Use a rubber blade on the squeegee for a streak-free finish.
  • In winter, add a bit of antifreeze to the solution to prevent it from freezing.


Window cleaning, when done right, can transform your home’s appearance and ambiance. By following these tips from Picture Perfect Homes, you can achieve professional-level results. Remember, your home is our passion, and we are here to help you maintain its beauty and integrity. For those challenging window cleaning tasks or for a professional touch, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Picture Perfect Homes.

Your home or business is your most important asset and managing a property is hard work. There’s always something that needs to be fixed or maintained and more often than not, you may not know where to even start. With 6 years of providing top quality service in window cleaning, yard care and other honey-do items, Zack knows what it takes to maintain residential and commercial properties. He is a family man and prides himself in his strong work ethic. You can trust that he will provide superior service on every project and unrivaled knowledge in all recommendations. Zack’s heart is fully invested in making those he serves happy and he cherishes the relationships he builds with his clients.

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Zack Kemp

Founder & Chief Technician of Picture Perfect Homes, LLC

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